We are in an urgent rush all the time….the exponential expansion of the flow refuses to put us to sleep and we are always at the cusp of new beginnings…we open new paths to tread… the beaten ones do not gel well with us..
We are not used to excuses like ‘oh I am in transit’….Authenticity and in the face intrepidity are our hallmarks and we are humane to the hilt, yet we do not brook the posturing of the back stabbers…we respond with alacrity before the back stabber thinks of brandishing his weapon-….

‘Honour’- this word is missing in the constitution of India and we would do well to hold honour closely to our heart at the cusp of change in our country when the old still exists and the new is beginning to emerge. Honour is a great mover, not in an archaic sense but in the sense of self-respect, dignity, freedom and human poise that can relate with these words without getting gaudily self conscious.

Those who enter the Hall of Fame have not pursued it for its own sake ever but have always had honorable and invincible pursuits. The stock of fame chases them to crown them for if life has to carry forward the beautiful illusions it must run after these heroes.The Hall of Fame may have common people who have had a dip in that pristine heady mix that is enriched with the sweat…

There are many industries and people in the hall of shame. We will keep bringing them to you.An exemplary industry in the Hall of Shame is the ‘industry of obstructing justice’ in our law courts. Everybody who is a part of judiciary knows it but they shut their eyes to it because it is like when a debauch man has a sexually transmitted disease from philandering from one hay stack to the other when he gets the call of the wild.
This is the private space where you will unwind, far from the gaze of the oppressive and the censoring.Your Imagination won’t be censored here…. This will go without a ‘cut’ we can’t say about the ‘Cyber Dadas’ who may censor you.Well we will still insist that you take the stage. And you will find the audience.We may pitch in to add the zing to your narrative and after you have taken the stage solo and sung your song.But Yes… Don’t rub us the wrong way. It may just backfire on you Still we encourage you to commit the ‘sin’ of speaking your mind out…Sin with us… we are always game.