Since there are no laws that work in India, the Constitution is being made a mockery of and the Police have no qualms in being a bully- do we blame them really? For they are the keeps of the politician or a power conglomerate- so the viciousness has become a heady drink-
And surely forget whatever the scriptures or any sensibility of ethics or morality, fair play or justice can do- because these have been neutralized-
And women will be and are the softest targets – why? Because they are humane and sensitive – only a humane and sensitive person can be free- otherwise you have the `gurus’ and `pundits’ of every religion and scripture to `prescribe’ a life for you and never be a`sovereign’- They will be after you to `listen’ to the divine – New `outfits’ of divinity are everywhere and human and humane is missing and diminishing furthermore because everybody wants a `divine’ intervention – And thus the stature of the humane and the sovereign is diluting each day- There is no line between the devil and the divine today and `God is dead’
Why? Because humans have stopped being human – And the
worst casualty is a woman’s freedom and sovereignty-
The target is hersexuality – which everybody wants to `contain’ – not just her sexuality but her talent too- and if she has some More Testosterone then they will surely do their best to put you in the box- Not just her sexuality but her talent , her excellence , free movement – `So God is dead’ – And so be it – Accept it – because today every `outfit’ – yes `outfit’ – like the temples , gurudwaras, gurus are hooligans-to `tame’ a woman who they think is `witch’ a `temptress’ a `seductress’. It is a `method’ of taming a woman by calling her a slut, a witch, a whore, a mad woman- when they call you this- they are projecting their frustrations in not being able to tame you. All want to `have’ her to show her `her place’- that is under their shoe sole- No place , no court , no administration , no govt. will listen to you- so that is the reason one should resort to virtual spaces –
Even a measly looking boy with rickety legs but a plush job or a bank balance will lay claim on you- it might even be a neighbourhood uncle or a bhaiya or a gurudwarabhai, the local policeman the local temple priest- `all’ will conglomerate against you and bitch about you and even try to convince your family members that you are `out of hand’ and an `open’ , `a loose woman’ why? Because you have a
mind of your own and you own your feminine powers , your sexuality and when they brand you a `slut’ you own your slutiness- if they so accuse you of all that you have not done – and threaten you , spit at your face – they will do that and tell you – especially the tilak wielding and the guru donning and the maulvis and mullas – so own that you are `slut’ – because you know what you are and you do not need a certificate from any of these rascals- you have enough certificates which the institutions gave you to leave the streak of individuality that you own – so own yourself as nobody is your master but you yourself-
Since there is no rule of law, no freedom of the press, (no system of justice is listening) I resort to this space – this virtual space –
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